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Important Spawner Guide

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Welcome! Here is a complete guide of how to obtain spawners in the listed servers below! The general command to access this is /spawners! You can progress in many ways with a few spawners on hand; For example, On skyblock, you can make money selling the drops or having players sell the drops to you! Happy Mobbing!

There are 5 types of spawners on survival which are purchasable using money! There are no requirements towards obtaining these spawners.

Spawners List:
Pig ($5,000,000)
Creeper ($7,500,000)
Piglin ($10,000,000)
Iron Golem ($15,000,000)
Evoker ($50,000,000)
Note: You can still go about and adventure in the overworld/underworld to find spawners naturally!

Spawners are obtainable by a shared amount of killed mobs on your island by members! Kill requirement scale upon however many members you have on your island; For example, more members = more mob kills!

Spawner Tiers, Mobs, and Prices List:
Tier 1 Spawners — Pig ($25,000), Sheep ($35,000), Chicken ($50,000), Cow ($75,000)
Tier 2 Spawners — Rabbit ($100,000), Squid ($125,000), Slime ($150,000), Spider ($200,000)
Tier 3 Spawners — Skeleton ($300,000), Zombie ($500,000), Blaze ($750,000), Piglin ($1,000,000)
Tier 4 Spawners — Witch ($1,250,000), Creeper ($2,000,000), Enderman ($2,500,000), Guardian ($3,000,000)
Tier 5 Spawners — Villager ($3,500,000), Iron Golem ($4,000,000), Silverfish ($4,500,000), Wither Skeleton ($5,000,000)
Tier 6 Spawners — Endermite ($5,500,000), Phantom ($6,000,000), Husk ($6,500,000), Axolotl ($7,000,000)
Tier 7 Spawners — Wandering Trader ($7,500,000), Strider ($8,000,000), Zoglin ($8,500,000), Vex ($9,000,000)

Note: Each mob drops a specific or rare drop!

Spawners are obtainable by buying a certain amount of spawners, as well as killing a certain amount of mobs! If you are in a gang, you can obtain gangscore from placing down spawners as well.

Spawner Tiers, Prices, and Mobs List:
Tier 1 Spawners ($5,000,000) — Pig, Sheep, Chicken, Cow
Tier 2 Spawners ($50,000,000) — Rabbit, Squid, Slime, Spider
Tier 3 Spawners ($150,000,000) — Skeleton, Zombie, Blaze, Piglin
Tier 4 Spawners ($750,000,000) — Witch, Creeper, Enderman, Guardian
Tier 5 Spawners ($2,250,000,000) — Villager, Iron Golem, Silverfish, Wither Skeleton
Tier 6 Spawners ($4,500,000,000) — Endermite, Phantom, Husk, Axolotl
Tier 7 Spawners ($9,000,000,000) — Wandering Trader, Strider, Zoglin, Vex

Mob Pouch Rewards:
You can get an assortment of pouches ranging from tier 1 through 7 spawners, which include candy, etoken, XP, beacon, money, and exclusive pouches!
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