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Physics In Minecraft

Attention: It might look long, but trust me, it will go by in no time. Hopefully, you will laugh as well :D

So I have always wondered what would happen if I threw an actual sword in the OPBlocks PvP arena at 90% of the speed of LIGHT (don't ask) against a few of Bazer's Gang Members. So I did some research.

Now normally when an object is thrown in the air, the air moves AROUND the sword. But in this case the sword would be going so fast that the air molecules won't have enough time to MOVE AWAY. The sword would smash right through them. And the collision of the air molecules would knock away the NITROGEN, CARBON, and HYDROGEN away from the sword, fragmenting it into tiny particles, and also triggering waves of thermonuclear fusion in the air around it. This would result in a flood of x-rays that would spread out in a bubble along with exotic particles; plasma inside; centered right where you are. Then, that wave would move away from where you are standing, slightly faster than the speed of the sword its self.

Now at this point, 30 nanoseconds in, the group of gang members are far enough away that light hasn't had time to reach them. This means that the gang members still see me about to throw the sword, and have no idea that anything is wrong. Now, after 70 seconds, the sword will reach the gang members (or at least the cloud of expanding plasma that used to be the sword). It will then engulf each and every gang member... and the mountains... and the trees... and start disintegrating all of them as it also starts to carry them backwards through the whole arena, which also starts to disintegrate.

So if you were watching this thing a few hundred blocks up from the PvP arena, what you would see would be a bright flash of light that would fade over a few seconds, followed by a blast wave spreading out, shredding trees, mountains, the spawn, and eventually a mushroom cloud, rising up over the ruined server. So the rules are a bit hazy, but I think I would be banned for using a Hacked Client in this situation.

Thanks for reading! I hope I made you laugh!:D Thx to Randall Munroe for the research!
Discussion Question: Do you think adding real physics into Minecraft would make it more funny or more rage inducing?o_O:rolleyes::confused::mad: