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HAWT Korean Grill|18+|NSFW

So I have this Korean BBQ Grill right here. The company who made it was actually a Japanese company named HAWT, which also went out of business right after releasing this product since it was too expensive to make and only cost $1. Anyway, here is a picture:
So yeah it is pretty small, but it is REALLY functional. I think it will also surprise you guys when I tell you that it is actually 18+ pounds! Yeah! That heavy!
Now, why is it so heavy you might ask? Well, it is because it is fully bulletproof! No kidding. That small thing is immune to bullets.
But, because it is bulletproof, it is also Not Safe For Work. This is because whenever something is one thing, you wanna do the opposite. For example, your dad tells you to not jump off a bridge, so you.... I mean, uh, your dad tells you to be quiet so you don't be quiet! Same goes for this grill. It is bulletproof, so some ganstas gonna jump you at work, raid the building, and shoot up the grill. So yeah, dont bring this to work. I would think that you probably wanna use it in your basement somewhere so that those CandyBar Girls from the purge don't take down your local McDonalds area. Anyway, here is a link on where to buy it: