A few hours ago, the gang ImSquad in Lollipop Realm. So if you d ./g info. And see your allied to ImSquad. Do ./g ally ItsSquad Because ImSquad got deleted. If you see TheChickensGod, GreatClub542, msg us and we will ally you guys.
Ddubs, me Whale, Plasma, Alphacat or someone else vs you at the cave thing. So unfair but whatever. We're going to lose anyways. And maybe someone to make sure no interuptions
A few hours ago, the gang ImSquad in Lollipop Realm. So if you d ./g info. And see your allied to ImSquad. Do ./g ally ItsSquad Because ImSquad got deleted. If you see TheChickensGod, GreatClub542, msg us and we will ally you guys.