Please make sure to read the entirety of my application, lest people believe I didn't use enough pretentious fancy sounding words like lest.
People really be throwing any ideas they get at the content suggestion thread. Sure, some good ideas come out, but credit pet? Really?
New prison season, people still getting multiple prestiges in only 4 hours. No /warp free though so I'm hoping for a mid-season big update.
I remember the golden days of forums when there were millions of people posting every day (slight hyperbole), now we go years without a post
oof yikes that was a lot of typing for something I probably could've just BS'ed in 2 paragraphs. Please give feedback.
My gym closed down so I took like a 2 month break from lifting now I'm down to 215 bench 335 squat and 385 dl rip me
I still haven't used this nor have I given it away
Heck my phone is dead, its in the charger but it went from 4% to 0% while it was powered off. Big RIP
SAT saturday hoping for at least a 1700 but I'll take a 1600
I have over 300 pages to read and annotate for an essay (summer reading) in class tomorrow. What're my odds.
No more posting at 4am for me, especially not rants. No more status updates at 6am either.
Has OPB really changed. Also I made a suggestion with a useless rant at the end. Good night err... morning. It's 6am and I'm sleep-deprived.
I still prefer other places for pizza, but Sbarro has the best breadsticks in NY. Just get some chipotle ranch or something and you're set.
Don't give me any more ratings or I'll block you